olecnv32.dll | Microsoft OLE for Windows |
oledb32.dll | Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Core Services |
oledb32r.dll | Microsoft Data Access - Ressources des services OLE DB Core |
oledlg.dll | Prise en charge de l'interface utilisateur pour Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 |
oleprn.dll | Oleprn DLL |
olepro32.dll | |
olesvr.dll | Object Linking and Embedding Server Library |
olesvr32.dll | Object Linking and Embedding Server Library |
olethk32.dll | Microsoft OLE for Windows |
omano.dll | omano Module |
oodagmg.dll | O&O Defrag Agent Message DLL (ENU) (Win32) |
oodagrs.dll | O&O Defrag Agent Resource DLL (ENU) (Win32) |
oodbsrs.dll | O&O BootTimeDefrag Resource DLL (ENU) (Win32) |
oodtrrs.dll | O&O Defrag TrayIcon Resource DLL (GER) (Win32) |
ootmapi.dll | O&O TextMode Driver API (Win32) |
openal32.dll | Standard OpenAL(TM) Implementation |
opengl32.dll | OpenGL Client DLL |
osuninst.dll | Interface de désinstallation |
oballoon.dll | Microsoft Office 2003 component |
objectps.dll | InstallShield (R) ObjectPS DLL |
objps8.dll | InstallShield (R) ObjectPS DLL |
objpscnv.dll | InstallShield (R) ObjectPS DLL |
ocltint.dll | Microsoft SharePoint Discussions Resources |
ocvt.dll | Microsoft OFD file conversion |
odimg.dll | |
ofcimp.dll | Microsoft Money OFC Import Driver |
ofdutil.dll | Microsoft OFD Clienty Utility Library |
office.dll | |
office10.dll | Microsoft Clip Organizer Asset Version Proxy |
ofx.dll | Microsoft Money OFX Driver |
ogg.dll | Audio plugin |
oinfos11.dll | Office Data Provider for WBEM |
oisapp.dll | Microsoft Office Picture Manager App |
oisctrl.dll | Microsoft Office Picture Manager Launcher Control |
oisgraph.dll | Microsoft Office Picture Manager Graphics |
oisintl.dll | Microsoft Office Picture Manager International Resources |
olfi.dll | Microsoft Money Online Support Module |
olkfstub.dll | Outlook Shell Hook for Start/Find |
olregdll.dll | Notes Outlook Registration Dll |
ols.dll | Adobe Online Services CS2 Support Library |