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List of the DLL files beginning with the letter M (M*.dll)

arrow  mainrfra.dll Language resources - Dynamic Link Library
arrow  management.dll Java(TM) Platform SE binary
arrow  mapir.dll ExOlk Intl Pluggable UI
arrow  matrix.dll
arrow  mcee.dll MC++ Expression Evaluator
arrow  mcppcodedomparser.dll WFC Core Classes
arrow  mcppcodedomprovider.dll Microsoft® MC++ CodeDomProvider
arrow  mcps.dll Media Catalog Proxy/Stub
arrow  mcshdlr.dll Microsoft Money/MoneyCentral Synchronization Handler
arrow  mcsync.dll Microsoft MCSYNC Utility Library
arrow  mctalk.dll Microsoft MCTalk Component
arrow  mctranscoder.dll MC Transcoder Plugin
arrow  mdbgnetcf.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  mdiink.dll Microsoft® Office Document Imaging Ink Library
arrow  mdivwctl.dll Microsoft Office Document Imaging Viewer Control
arrow  mdmshrup.dll Modem Sharing Upgrade DLL
arrow  mdmui.dll Ressources MDM
arrow  medialibrarynse.dll Nero File Dialog
arrow  mediasync.dll ActiveSync Media Sync Provider
arrow  memorysign.dll NanoScanner Plugin Memory Sign
arrow  memvfile.dll Anti-malware protection access library
arrow  mergemod.dll MSM Merge Tool COM Server
arrow  mesaopengl32.dll
arrow  messengerclient.dll MessengerClient
arrow  metade.dll Meta Debug Engine
arrow  metconv.dll Microsoft Office 2003 component
arrow Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll
arrow Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll
arrow Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll
arrow Microsoft.Build.Tasks.dll
arrow Microsoft.Build.Tasks.dll
arrow Microsoft.Build.Utilities.dll
arrow Microsoft.Build.Utilities.dll
arrow Microsoft.CF.WindowsCE.Forms
arrow  microsoft.directx.audiovideoplayback.dll Microsoft Managed AudioVideoPlayback
arrow  microsoft.directx.diagnostics.dll Microsoft Managed DirectX Diagnostics
arrow  microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll Microsoft Managed Direct3D
arrow  microsoft.directx.direct3dx.dll Microsoft Managed D3DX
arrow  microsoft.directx.directdraw.dll Microsoft Managed DirectDraw
arrow  microsoft.directx.directinput.dll Microsoft Managed DirectInput

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